Transformational Breakthrough

Experiencing deeper layers of your consciousness will completely change your views on life, others and your Self.

Perception > Reality model > Identity > Belief > Thoughts > Emotions > Behavior

Purifying your channels of perception through higher awareness reveals a whole new reality.

The challenge is, once we find ourselves in a body, our early experiences of the six senses create a mask of a perception of the world. How we perceived others behaving towards us defined our early models of reality. Dealing with that perception created a sense of identity in us. The way we view our reality from that identity generates ripples in our being. Starting with limiting beliefs in our causal body, reflecting as thoughts in our mental body, which reflect as emotions in our astral body, in turn reflecting as tension in the physical body.

Similarly, admiring the moon’s reflection dancing on a midnight ocean, in the mirror on the wall of your room, we see that it is mirroring the moon above. We also know the moon is reflecting the light coming from the Sun. Many of us are only aware of emotional and physical stress, the moon on the ocean and its reflection on the mirror. As we grow up, we all can naturally mature in seven year cycles into subtler bodies and their greater scope of awareness, but without guidance from the elders we often remain identifried with younger bodies, parts and their limited perception.

Trying to find peace and joy at the awareness level of physical and emotional tension, is just as useless as trying to rub out the shadows cast by the Sun, as they are reflections of the assumed identity created by the confused perception.

With guidance we can unblend our perception from our separate identity parts, and embrace them with Love. Rising above the view of our six senses opens our awareness to higher realities. We wake up to the infinite realms of our Self - our inherent Buddha nature, and our emotions will also lift as they are now reflecting a higher view. Just as the Sun simultaneously illuminates the depths of myriads of planets, moons and lakes on them, it is not trapped in any of them. Focusing on purifying our perception is the key. The right view, as Buddha has put it. The joy of seeing the light of the Sun in our inner sky effortlessly dispersing the clouds of our confused projections. One glimpse of this will wake us up to higher reality models, naturally melting away limited identities of the old view, and making space for our higher Self to shine through.

Attuned one on one personal guidance into your freedom

Have you experienced such a vast opening of awareness, during yoga, prayer, or a meditation retreat, that it has dissolved or overwhelmed your surface personality? The scope of support available through modern psychology is often useless here, as that is aimed at maintaining the grip of your separate identity, exactly what this spiritual emergence experience is here to melt away and liberate you from.

Awakening means experiencing our true identity as boundless singular consciousness of pure bliss. The realization then also dawns, that we are not the character in the story of our life. Our nervous system can begin to unwind the defensiveness around holding on to those stories, to discover fresh new blissful ways of being alive. This unwinding process can create a lot of fear, as we are facing and releasing all limitations.

The ancient paths and vehicles of our wisdom traditions are specifically designed for these stages of the journey, for transitioning you all the way home into the fullness of your wholeness. Transitioning your identity and experiencing the dissolution of who you thought you were is the most amazing experience us humans can have.

Embracing all our fears and both the light and dark aspects of life with loving wisdom, and navigating our nervous system is where we all need grounded support. The structured sequence of sessions of Seeing the Perfection is designed to support you in this most rewarding transitioning process of your life.

Where do you not feel free?

Find your Liberation with profound, loving support

Begin your transformational journey

With the right guidance attuned to your unique needs and constitution, combined with gradually deepening non-dual practices you will also glimpse higher states of consciousness with ease. 

Where do you stand?

Understanding what stage of development you might be in your current level of awareness, and your mental, emotional and bodily conditioning towards phenomena gives us instant access to the best tools to support you with, on the actual issues you are challenged by. We can test for this today with the Iconscious model.

How do you relate to your Divinity and shadows?

Discovering the depths of your Gene Keys and Human Design will reveal the flavors of the main lessons you need to master for aligned flow in unity consciousness. Through integrating your polarized views, you will finally experience peace beyond emotional overwhelm, clarity beyond mental confusion and true satisfaction.

Greater awareness is self-organizing. When it starts shining through you it automatically resources you with more power to naturally decondition your nervous system from limiting views, pain and inherited imprints.

With guidance and practice, your higher consciousness will naturally empower you to be able to embrace the overwhelming. To forgive the unforgivable. To face the terrifying. To stand in awe of gratitude of the full realization, that these challenges were specifically designed to awaken your unique power and authentic Light.

We work in cycles of 12 sessions of deeply attuned personal support to ensure your grounded transition stage by stage.

May all beings thrive in ecstatic living

Peter I Juhasz

Advanced meditation instructor

Retreat leader

Awakening Integration Mentor

Advanced Yoga teacher trainer

Gene Keys Ambassador

Internal Family Systems - inner parts work

Advanced shadow work and archetypal repatterning of the psyche

Nervous system deconditioning and embodiment

Omnidimensional consciousness training

Subtle body alchemy & purification

Near-death experience and Walk-in integration

Epigenetic Trauma resolution

Initiated into the highest forms of yoga and tantra, the inner Light and Sound current, Vajrayana, Dzogchen and Mahamudra. - Practicing for 25 years

Awakening Integration

The key is the right practice that works for you. We are all uniquely conditioned. Honoring your uniqueness is critical for impact. Establishing the ideal practices and supporting exercises for your current awareness is now made even easier with precise testing tools. What works best for you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually changes with each breakthrough you make. As you move stage by stage out of duality towards oneness and singular consciousness, the techniques giving you the most fulfillment will naturally change. What empowers you the most is a continuous fine-tuning of the most effective tools and exercises required to meet your needs.

Liberating all parts of you with the skilled self-compassion of Internal Family Systems

Self-compassion helps you heal by accessing and loving your protective and wounded inner parts. The mind is naturally multiple. Just like members of a family, inner parts are forced into extreme roles within us. We also all have a core Self and It knows how to heal. Guiding you to access your Self will empower you to truly understand and heal all your wounded parts. Through guided insight, you will develop the skill of Self-Leadership, and the love of your true Self will naturally heal and transform your inner world.

Wake up to the real journey of your life with your unique Gene Keys roadmap of Self-liberation

Gene Keys helps you to liberate your infinite awareness from limiting unconscious patterns

Learning the art of contemplation will connect you with the most profound insights and mysteries hidden inside you. It is so precisely accurate, that you will see your life completely opening up like a magnificent flower in front of your eyes. Everything will finally begin to make sense. It will unlock your specific subconscious trigger patterns, your intellectual and emotional defenses and long held, habitual identification with these reactions. You will finally wake up your Superconsciousness, the Siddhis of your true nature.


Working with Peter has been hugely transformational for me. I knew I needed someone special to work with, as “normal” therapy just wasn’t going to cut it. And in Peter I found that special someone. His insight, knowledge, awareness and compassion are incomparable. Throughout our 6 months of working together my life and my awareness have been transformed, old wounds and conditioning have been healed and released, I feel strong and empowered. Words cannot really express the depth of the work being done in this container. 

 I have been working as a doctor, hypno-psychotherapist and coach for many years and thought I was quite advanced on the spiritual path and self-awareness. I came to realise through my work with Peter that what I thought to be consciousness was still processed and experienced through my narrative self or my mind. To access true awareness or consciousness means to step outside of the mind altogether. This is something that Peter has led me into and I am forever grateful for this awakening. To be in pure awareness, without having a single thought was one of the highlights of my work with Peter, which is something I could never have imagined I would be able to do.

I have had the most extraordinary experiences, connecting with love, joy and freedom on a deeper level than ever before. I now have access to the infinite nature of my being, which changes everything. The journey has not always been easy as we were exploring the depths of any arising issues, letting go of pain and fear. Yet, there was always love underneath those issues and I discovered the perfection of things as life unfolds in its mystery. I felt safely held and unconditionally supported at all times by Peter.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!


How does one adequately describe when someone changes their life so significantly, by holding space, and caring for one in the depths of their transition and emotional release?  It's a powerful thing to witness yourself standing at the edge, knowing that you need to take the step forward in order to heal, but knowing that you are really afraid to take it. Peter was able to hold my hand, hold space, show up, and have all the tools ready for me, at my disposal with all the support I need in order to help me step into my next self, my best version of me. I have never felt so calm and happy in my entire life. Peter was able to hone in immediately and identify the greater issues and get right down to the things that were needed to calm me, bring peace, and stabilize my nervous system. For the first time, I was able to sit still and meditate and rise out of the body. I witnessed the full rebirth of myself. The shackles that were once binding me were shattered and my entire body rose from the rubble.  It was one of the most powerful transformative things I have ever committed to. I am deeply grateful for his services, but above all, I am deeply grateful for his ability to hold space and be the support system he is and to have all the right tools.


Seven years ago, I started a journey into meditation, and it was Peter who guided me to explore this practice at a whole new level. Few years later life blessed me with Peter as my mentor. I can't express enough gratitude for all that Peter has done for me. His teachings are profound, his understanding is boundless, and his compassion knows no limits. With his gentle guidance, I navigated the depths of my soul and reconnected with my true self. Through his wisdom, I learned to perceive the perfection in every moment and every experience of my life. If I had to describe Peter's essence in one word, it would undoubtedly be "LOVE." His love just shines. I am eternally grateful for his presence in my life.


I came into working with Peter through the reference of a mutual friend. When I first stepped into the knowledge of Human Design and Gene Keys I was really a novice, a beginner on my journey deep into myself and who I am and what I'm here to serve. After I started working with Peter, I was introduced to these two systems, but also re-initiated back into my lineage of Buddhism and a deeper knowledge in many many systems in the spiritual world, by my wonderful guide, Peter. His wide range of knowledge and the strong foundation of mindfulness and meditation sparked a light in my then darkness filled soul and pointed me towards finding salvation inside of myself. He held my hand gently and invited me into the field of unfathomable depths. The melting into all that I was, and all that I can be. Each journey with him into a variety of practices, originating from both the east and the west, led me deeper into a knowing. But then resting deeper into what is not there to be known.

The stages of personal development, the crossing of each threshold into a deeper level; the process was fed into me with kindness and gentleness and a big amount of patience. Peter's guidance was essential in my journey into trusting my own wisdom, and my own unique path in this world. He helped me to open up my heart, to love everything and everyone all the manifestations of the one source with my whole being. He led me to believe that each stage on my journey is something to be cherished. Something to be enjoyed. Its flavors unique and personal. He held my trembling Soul weary from seeking and searching for a meaning in life and gifted me the balm of merging back into unity, melting back into no separation.

During the time that I worked with Peter, each week I felt myself initiated into a higher frequency of living. I felt myself taking a breath from the exhausting running of the mind and settling back into my own energy and my own support. 

I pray that whoever comes across this audio testimonial can feel my genuine gratitude of having been called to learn from this mentor. I pray that all find the chance of living happiness and seeing joy and perfection in each moment of our lives.

From my heart to yours, may all be guided to light.


The truth is, even as new frontiers were being pushed and “I” was masterfully led into wider and wider spectrums of consciousness, parts of me were still oblivious to what was unfolding. Then realizations upon realizations of the many layered aspects of our truest nature blossomed open in me. The deeper realities mostly unknown to a western mind came digested and presented not just in a way that made them accessible, but actually experientially available for me to be as. I remember sending him a message one day saying: “you must be the most unrecognized man in your service to people.” 6 months after our last call I am still integrating the richness of Peter’s teachings and harvesting the ripples of his guiding presence. There are things that simply cannot be put into words, because in those places and times, you cease to exist as an individual entity. So there’s technically no one then to report on the ‘experience’. Even the one who comes back is only left with a subliminal understanding from the realm one was in prior. I don’t want to get too lyrical here, although it’s simply that poetry does Peter’s work much better justice than linear language.

There are subtle things in existence that do require a total leap of faith to be felt and experienced, and it is rare to find such a worthy guide to take that leap with. I have deep gratitude for what was imparted, and what is now forever established inside of my being.