Attunement creates deeply fulfilling relationships

Do you yearn to live in an ecstatic relationship with your Beloved? Do you yearn to co-create deep transparency, ecstatic intimacy, aligned abundance and shared cosmic consciousness expansion? We now have all the tools for living in truly loving relationships.

Mutual commitment to seeing the supreme Self in each other is what creates a Sacred Union. The path to genuine fulfillment involves falling in Love with the Source of Life, and going through the alchemical mystery of merging our gender polarities and the elements with the greater whole of creation in our temple of the relationship. This process opens higher consciousness in us.

Our level of inner attunement with our own internal male and female aspects, is what gets projected onto our partner. These projections distort our view of life. When we have cleared the mirror of our heart, we can dissolve our inherited views of female and male, and this will purify our perception of life. We will no longer project the same wound perspectives. This redefines our experience of relationships, as we begin for the first time to see the other in their true essential purity, and the world becomes the land of Love.

This is for committed couples on the path of advanced unity consciousness, who yearn for deeper shared experiences of an actual felt merger, beyond the dualistic concepts of me and other. From here it is a natural heartfelt understanding of each other’s needs, priorities and conditionings, often without any words needed. As two have become one. Honoring what sets both of your hearts ablaze will create a radiantly ecstatic life together. It will turn your relationship into a conscious Sacred Union.

Awareness guidance for deep healing

We are complex beings with many many different aspects and layers to our being. It gets even more complex in relationships. With specific meditation practices we begin to realize that our true Self is covered up by clusters of young wounded parts, who are guarded by protectors, and the behavior patterns of these parts form our small identity, our narrative self. Awareness of these parts in ourselves and in our loved one is the BEGINNING of cultivating true love.

Once you are face to face with your own internal wounded parts and protectors and realize how your own parts connect to the wounded parts and protectors of your beloved, EVERYTHING will begin to make sense. You will be able to create a genuinely SAFE & LOVING space for each other.

You will fight less and less with each other, out of fear and disrespect. Instead you can expect to be able to be clear, transparent and honoring what is, by compassionately sharing with radical integrity the TRUTH of what is happening with your parts. This enables the deepest intimacy and compassion for each others’ suffering, and you will no longer blame each other’s parts for being defensive, you will see crystal clearly, what exactly that triggered part requires for safety. You will be able to LOVE all parts of each other together.

When you are internally aware to be Self-led, your heart is naturally open and curious without any agenda or guardedness. Even when only one of you is consciously present, your presence itself provides a sense of safety for all parts of both of you to relax. With practices you can cultivate mutual Self- Leadership, which is a clearly distinguishable somatic sensation of openness, clarity and love. Your open hearts will effortlessly support each other in being at ease, and deepen in Love.

It is an amazingly powerful path for waking up together from our subconscious suffering, in the loving awareness of each other’s tender care. This level of deep work can only be done in relationships, which are equipped with the skills and practices of being truly conscious. This is the bedrock of a safe and fulfilling Love.

Skillful compassion and loving acceptance of each other’s trigger patterns is now made easy

Gene Keys Compatibility training for deeper Love and Intimacy with your Beloved

Seeing the Perfection of your connection

Understanding, acceptance and loving compassion towards the unique motivations, needs, shadows and higher consciousness of both your own and your beloved’s is the bedrock of a loving relationship. Now we can empower you with the deepest wisdom of the many layers of what makes your relationship harmonious. With guidance, you will cultivate deeper presence and tender awareness of each other in all dimensions. This embodiment will enable you to experience ever deeper divine ecstasies together.

When you understand how your unique centers operate, what sensations are amplified by your beloved, and how you truly perceive each other subconsciously, it changes everything. With guidance, both of you can WAKE UP TO what is actually happening between you every day on the deepest energetic level. When this becomes clear, you will be able to bring deeper care, power and skill in co-creating masterfully together. With focusing on seeing the highest Self in the other, you will be able to raise each other into Superconsciousness, and support each other in coming up for air from the deep unconscious waters of mental conditioning. This is the deepest love possible, which truly enables both of you to support each other with deep compassion at the Soul level.

Mastering your combined unique conditioning will turn your relationship into a radiant symphony of a Sacred Union with all that is.

If you aspire for liberation and enlightenment, you need to know from what you want to be liberated. This is crucial for any spiritual practice.

Understanding the unconscious defense patterns between you and your beloved changes everything. It is the best therapy and the most powerful relationship guidance.

The Gene Keys Venus sequence is the art of returning non-love with love. It integrates rapid awakening and deep healing. If you wish to shine your full light and loving presence, and show up fully as your loving true nature, the work required is to wake up to the part of you which is beyond the mind. From this deeper presence you can become liberated from your mental trigger patterns, and honor all your relationships as faces of the Divine. This depth can only be reached by a guided meditation and contemplation practice. When your presence strengthens, you will truly appreciate relationships as a vessel for reaching higher consciousness. Have you ever yearned to develop the eye to see the divinity both in yourself and in others? Practicing compassionate witnessing, Self-Leadership, and seeing the divinity in your loved ones is the greatest Love and blessing you can give, as this creates deep safety and trust, and ultimately this is what empowers both of you to become who you truly are.